If you have an old set of handbells it may be possible to restore them and return them to good use as a musical instrument. It is not possible however, to ascertain the condition of handbells or the feasibility of their restoration without inspection.
Bells of Whitechapel Ltd is pleased to offer a bespoke restoration service for English handbells. We will be pleased to inspect your bells and provide a report with recommendations as to their condition and the work required to bring them back into good order, along with an estimate for carrying out this work.
All parts used are genuine Whitechapel handbell parts by licence agreement from The Whitechapel Bellfoundry Ltd.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements
Tel: 020 8462 9419
Email: shop@bellsofwhitechapel.london
The Beechwood Centre
40 Lower Gravel Road, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8GP