As with all good quality musical instruments Malmark handbells will need to be well cared for and maintained.
Bells of Whitechapel Ltd is pleased to offer a bespoke maintenance service for Malmark handbells. This service will include a full dismantling and checking of all parts of each bell, a full clean and polish of each casting, reassembly and voicing ready for use. If during the course of the service it is found that any parts need to be replaced this can be done subject to the cost of the parts required.
Service prices
Bells C4-B4 £39.00 per bell + VAT
Bells C5-B5 £28.00 per bell + VAT
Bells C6-C7 £25.00 per bell + VAT
Please contact us to discuss your requirements
Tel: 020 8462 9419
Email: shop@bellsofwhitechapel.london
The Beechwood Centre
40 Lower Gravel Road, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8GP